Untitled Document 


Actualized on: 2017-01-31
Short name Name Contact person Address, phone and fax, eMail
IN-0267 ICF

Indian Cat Federation


Mr. Shree Nair


Mrs. Padmashree


Mr. Ganesh
Sriniv Srinivasan



C4, Casa Lavelle 6, 85 - Lavelle Road
IN-560001 Bangalore (IND-100)
phone: +91-944-827 37 45
fax: +91-944-827 37 45
mobile: +97-156-296 64 74
email: indiancatfederation@gmail.com
Internet: http://indiancatfederation.webs.com

Meaning of the character combination in front of and after the club's name

Otherwise the English translation is written in brackets below the club's name.

Where it is known, the English translation of the club's name is also written in brackets below the club's name.

  CFC Cat Fanciers Club
FC Felinologic Centre
FPC Felinologic Pedigree Centre
KLK Latin transcription of: Klub Ljubitelej Koshek
KLZh Latin transcription of: Klub Ljubitelej Zhivotnyh
= Club of Animal Fanciers
e.V. eingetragener Verein = registered club