Online seminar "WCF-EMS Code & pedigrees" in German language
Dear WCF members,
finally the time has come and the date for the seminar WCF-EMS Code/Stammbrees in German is fixed.
12 December 2021 at 15 p.m. (German time, approx. 2 hours, depending on the number of questions).
Please send your registration at least three days before the date to Mrs. Cornelia Hungerecker, email: wcf.seminars@gmx.de
Registration form for download:

The fee of 15 Euro (regardless of the number of registered participants) must be paid in advance.
Please note that the club number and the participation date must be given with the payment!
An alternative date for the German seminar will then possibly take place in January 2022.
The Board
Vacation Mrs. Hackmann
Hello everyone,
I'm on vacation in Lanzarote from November 13th to December 1st, 2021.
The WCF office is manned from Monday to Wednesday and if there are important matters, please send a mail to the office.
Mrs. Querfurth will inform me about important e-mails and then will reply on my behalf.
Please call me in this time only in case of emergency.
I wish you all a good time and please stay healthy !
Best regards
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
New breed in the process of recognitio, class 23: Transylvanian Cat
At the exhibition in Bucharest, Romania on October 10th, 2021 these cats were presented for assessment.
It is a naturally occurring breed found in the northwest region of Romania,
Shorthair, black and blue karpati pattern.
The Board
Online seminar "WCF-EMS Code & pedigrees" , next dates
Dear WCF members,
here are additional dates for the seminar WCF-EMS Code/Pedigrees in English:
November 10th, 2021 at 5pm (German time, for approximately 2 hours depending on the amount of questions)
December 15th, 2021 at 5pm (German time, for approximately 2 hours depending on the amount of questions)
Please send your registration three days before the seminar at the latest to Mrs. Beverly Elian, email: magnificats.ro@gmail.com
Registration form for download:

The fee of 15 Euro (regardless of the number of registered participants) must be paid in advance.
Please note, that the club number must be given when paying, otherwise no accounting!
The date for the seminar in German language will be communicated to you separately. This seminar will be conducted by Mrs. Hungerecker.
The Board
Permission for WCC- and LOOF-judges
In the past all WCC judges and LOOF judges could be automatically included in the WCF show licence at all WCF shows, as far as there was no special rule, except B.4.1.1.: WCC / LOOF judges are counted as WCF judges.
This rule is amended by the following addition:
- WCF-clubs have the right to invite judges from WCC / LOOF, but they have to send an official request in a written, informal mail to the chairperson of the Judges' Commission (at present Mrs. Elian) before entering the show.
- The Chairperson of the Judges' Commission has the right to grant the approval within 10 working days or to refuse it without giving reasons.
- Clubs that have not made an official application in advance will not receive approval from the Licensing Managers.
Previous rule text:
B.4.1.1 - Invitation of judges with WCF judge's permission
Each member of WCF may invite to its exhibitions only WCF judges or guest-judges, who are in possession of a valid WCF judge's permission and who are listed in the official WCF judges' list. A written contract or e-mail correspondence is recommended. WCC and LOOF judges/guest judges are counted as WCF judges.
Supplemented rule text:
B.4.1.1 - Invitation of judges with WCF judge's permission
Each member of WCF may invite to its exhibitions only WCF judges or guest-judges, who are in possession of a valid WCF judge's permission and who are listed in the official WCF judges' list. A written contract or e-mail correspondence is recommended.
WCC and LOOF judges/guest judges must be approved in advance by the chairperson of the Judges' Commission. Approval may be denied without justification. Without prior approval, the license manager issues the show license without these judges.
Each member of WCF may invite judges to its shows with the approval of the chairperson of the Judges' Commission, in the ratio of two WCF judges / one WCC/LOOF judge
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be presented to the next General Assembly for voting.
The Board
Newsletter No. 30
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 30 was sent on October, 15th.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
Obituary Mrs. Larisa Levkovich
It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Mrs. Larisa Levkovich, President of the WCF Club "Belaja Lisa", left us much too early.
She died on September 28th at the age of only 60 years.
Our condolences to her family and friends.
The Board
2nd online seminar "WCF-EMS Code & pedigrees" on October 24th, 2021
Dear WCF members,
the second date for the seminar "WCF-EMS Code & pedigrees" will take place on October 24th, 2021 at 3 p.m. (German time) in English language.
Please send your registration by October 20, 2021 at the latest to Mrs. Beverly Elian, email: magnificats.ro@gmail.com
Registration form for download:

The fee of 15 Euro (regardless of the number of registered participants) must be paid in advance.
Please note, that the club number must be given when paying, otherwise no accounting!
If it is possible to hold the seminar in German as well, we will publish this on WCF Actual in time.
The Board
Obituary Mr. René Hermans
On August 15th, 2021, René Hermans, president of the WCF club "Organisation Féline Belge", left us much too early.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
The Board
Mating of cats with mutations
The following was decided:
It is forbidden to mate cats :of two different breeds with the following characteristics: naked cats, curved or folded ears, rex fur, short legs and other skeletal mutations.
Any such outcross must be registered as RIEX with XLH, XSH or XHL, no breed name shall be added in brackets or otherwise.
In this regard, we draw your attention to the fact that in all Rex breeds, missing whiskers and in adult cats hairless spots are serious faults. The standard is supplemented in this regard.
The Board & the Judges- and Pedigree Registration Commission
Changes of our bank account
Our bank details have changed.
From now on, please only transfer money to the following account:
Receiver: RA S. Stotz-Anderkonto WCF
IBAN-No.: DE23 3605 0105 0002 1891 57
Account no.: 2189157
Bank code: 360 501 05
Bank: Sparkasse Essen
PayPal remains unchanged.
The Board
Online seminar WCF-EMS code / pedigrees 1st appointment
Dear WCF members,
The first "WCF-EMS Code/Pedigree" seminar will take place on July 18th, 2021 at 2.00 p.m. (german time).
Please register to Mrs. Beverly Elian E-Mail: magnificats.ro@gmail.com.
The Board
Online seminar WCF-EMS code / pedigrees
Dear WCF members,
because of the massive occurrence of wrong pedigrees (incorrect or wrongly issued), the Board has decided that every WCF member (full member,
club under patronage) is obliged to participate in an online seminar on the subject " WCF-WEMS Code, Pedigrees".
Each club is obliged to participate in the seminar until 31.12.2021.
The seminar fee is 15 Euro for each participating club. The participation fee has to be paid in advance.
Information about the dates, the course and the duration of the seminar will follow shortly.
The Board
Newsletter No. 26
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 26 was sent on April, 28th.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
Newsletter No. 25
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 25 was sent on March, 23rd.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF
Preliminary recognition of the color Carnelian for Kurilian Bobtail
Based on existing genetic evidence, the Board has decided to provisionally recognize the color Carnelian for the breed Kurilian Bobtail.
The specified WCF EMS code is "z". This code denotes a color variation and can only be used in combination with a basic color.
The exhibition class to be used is class 22b.
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be presented to the next General Assembly for voting.
The Board
Non-recognition of online-titles
Dear members,
we would like to point out again that the WCF does not recognize any titles that have been / are awarded on online shows.
It is in the reponsibility of the WCF clubs to check this very carefully when confirming/entering the awarded title.
The Board
New WCF seminars
To our WCF clubs and their members!
The WCF is now offering seminars / online seminars (webinars) for special groups of participants;
the seminar "Breeder of Excellence" will continue as before.
The chargeable seminars must be applied for at least 4 weeks in advance (application is available in the download area) and must last at least 4 hours.
The WCF logo may be used.
At least two moderators per seminar, one of them must be a member of WCF.
Chargeable WCF seminars
Subject to a fee of 25 Euro per seminar day including publication on our website
- Seminars for breeders - with presence of participants or as Online seminar (webinar)
- Certificates of participation possible, other certificates NOT allowed
- Seminars for exhibitors - with presence of participants or as Online seminar (webinar)
- Certificates of participation and steward certificates possible
- Seminars for all other cat lovers - with presence of participants or as Online seminar (webinar)
- Certificates of participation possible, other certificates NOT allowed
Instructions / description can be found here :

Chargeable WCF genetics seminar
Subject to a fee of 50 Euro per seminar day including publication on our website
For all interested parties, primarily for student judges and judges.
Steward- and student judges' certificates may be issued (only one seminar per hair category is recognized for student judges)
Cost free club-internal seminars do not have to be requested
These seminars can also be carried out by external persons, for example Veterinarians, sponsors.
The WCF logo may NOT be used.
Only certificates of participation may be issued by the organizing club, no steward- or student judge certificates.
The WCF does not accept any liability for these seminar contents.
The Board
Newsletter No. 24
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 24 was sent on February, 09th.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Judging according to the WCF breed standards
Dear judges, dear members and breeders,
we would like to point out that the standard of the WCF applies to the welfare of cats and the pure conservation of breeds. It is in line with paragraph 11b in the EU.
Overtyped SIA/OSH with extremely enlarged ears fall under it and are therefore prohibited.
The standard also prohibits the presence of white paws, white legs, a
white breast and white parts of the face for all varieties od golden and
silver. In the last time these faults occur increased in the breeds
British Short- and Longhair.
Judges who will grant titles to the animals in the future that violate the standard, break the rules and will be suspended or will have to undergo an inspection to check their abilities.
We would also like to point out that there is no EMS code ny13 in the WCF.
Cats that are not to be classified in the recognized colors must receive the code "x" for unrecognized colors, see:
The Board & the Standard- and Judges Commission
Obituary Galina Mazurova
It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Mrs. Galina Mazurova has passed away.
She was one of the first WCF judges in Russia and was president of a WCF club for many years.
She was also very committed to animal welfare.
Our condolences to her family and friends.
The Board
Increase of fees for some WCF services
Dear Presidents of the clubs,
According to the German tax law, WCF has to pay taxes for some payments from the club (among others for catteryname registrations, C and D-numbers).
In the past, the WCF did not pass taxes on to the clubs. Due to the current situation (Corona pandemic), the WCF revenues have decreased, but office expenses have remained the same.
Therefore, the Board decided to increase some of the fees by approximately the amount of tax.
Increase as of March 01st, 2021:
Catteryname registration, extension, changes from 8 Euro to 10 Euro (VAT included)
C-numbers from 15 Euro to 18 Euro (VAT included)
D-numbers from 7.50 Euro to 9 Euro (VAT included)
We hope for your understanding and support.
The Board
Dear presidents of the WCF-clubs, dear members of the commissions, dear judges and student judges!
The year 2020 is now behind us and it was very difficult for everyone due to the pandemic.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a - hopefully - good, successful and healthy year 2021 with many cat shows.
The Board
Requests from private members
To the members of our WCF clubs !
We would like to point out that the WCF is only an umbrella organisation for cat clubs.
We have no single members but only clubs.
Therefore please ALWAYS approach to your member club regarding all requests.
In exceptional cases you can contact the Secretary General of WCF.
The WCF office is only the contact person for its member clubs, other organizations, universities, media, etc.
Thank you
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Removal of the suspension of Mrs. Anna Rudakova
The German court decided that the suspension of Mrs. Rudakova as 1st vice president and WCF judge is ineffective.
The Board
Removal of the suspension of Elitar-Klub / RU-0170
The German court decided that the suspension of the Elitar-Klub is ineffective.
The Board
Reuse of license numbers due to the corona pandemic, update
Dear club presidents,
1. WCF clubs that apply for exhibitions from October 01, 2020 and which have to be canceled later due to Corona regulations, are not entitled to reuse the license numbers.
2. If the license was requested or issued before October 01, 2020, the club must provide an evidence to the Secretary General (current and official government documents / instructions, etc.) showing that the exhibition is not possible.
The Board
Newsletter No. 21
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 21 was sent on August, 31st.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Reusing of license numbers due to the Corona pandemic
Dear club presidents,
license numbers for WCF exhibitions canceled due to the corona pandemic can be reused until December 31, 2021.
For a possible crediting of these license numbers please continue to contact our Secretary General,
who acts as responsible for this matter and who provides you with advice and assistance.
Please avoid sending e-mails to our WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Newsletter No. 20
Dear members, dear judges,
our newsletter No. 20 was sent on July 6th.
If you have not received it, please contact the WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Judge activities in Non-WCF/WCC/LOOF-clubs
Dear WCF judges,
supplement to our publication from April 22nd, 2020:
As of May 15th, 2020, all judges send an informal application for planned invitations to exhibitions (of any kind) from Non-WCF/WCC/LOOF-clubs for permission to the chairman of the Judges commission at least 4 weeks in advance:
wcf.trautmann@gmx.de currently wcf.marie@gmail.com
Informal applications for planned invitations to seminars (of any kind) from non-WCF/WCC/LOOF clubs for permission at least 4 weeks in advance to Mrs. Hungerecker:
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Informations for sending of exhibition catalogs and protocols
Dear members,
please indicate for better handling the following informations in the subject line of your eMail:
number of license, organizing club including clubcode, date of exhibition
Following documents must be sent in a PDF file and must be separated by days:
- The show catalog according to the show rules (including all data of the WCF board members, the license text, data of the listed cats )
- Judges protocols (including name/stamp and signature of the judge)
- Breed and WCF Fun shows protocols (including participant lists, results, name/stamp and signature of the judge)
- WCF Rings protocols (including participant lists, results, name/stamp and signature of the judge)
- Best in Show nomination lists per judge (including name/stamp and signature of the judge)
- Best in Show protocols per hair category and Special Breed show/s (including results per age class/gender, names/stamps and signatures of the judges)
- Best of Best results (including names/stamps and signatures of the judges)
Please make sure that the documents include club name, date and place of the exhibition as well as the WCF logo.
Aija Nuke
Chairwoman Show Commission
Pedigrees of the organization "WOC - World Organisation of Cats"
Dear members,
it is not allowed to transfer WOC pedigrees to WCF pedigrees.
The Board
Information not allowed on WCF Pedigrees
1. It is not allowed to certify the quality of a cat on a WCF pedigree.
All remarks about the quality of a cat such as Show Quality, Breeding Quality, Pet Quality or similar wording, cannot be shown on a WCF pedigree. The only allowed remark on WCF pedigree is "Not for breeding" which implies genetic reasons or genetic defects or by an agreement in the sale contract.
2. It is not allowed to show Top Cat IDs or IDs of any institutions on pedigrees with WCF logo.
However, this restriction does not apply to the original pedigree number when a cat from other associations is transferred to the WCF system.
Any pedigree issued in violation of this rule is deemed invalid and must be re-issued accordingly.
The responsible club who issues pedigrees in violation, may subject to disciplinary proceedings.
The Board
Non-recognition of online-titles
Dear members,
since we have become aware that online titles have been awarded by external clubs, we would like to make it clear that the WCF does not recognize titles that were/are awarded on so-called online shows.
It is in the reponsibility of the WCF clubs to check this very carefully when confirming/entering the awarded title.
The Board
Non-recognition of titles from the organization "WOC"
Dear members,
WCF does not recognize all kind of titles and title certificates that were / are awarded in the organization "WOC - World Organisation of Cats" and its affiliated clubs.
Here it is also in the reponsibility of the WCF clubs to check this very carefully when confirming/entering the awarded title.
The Board
Speaker of the working group Standard- and Judges Commission
Dear members,
since Mr. Trautmann is not available for a longer period as speaker of the working group for private reasons, Mrs. Lemaigre temporarily acts as speaker.
If you have any questions, please contact her at wcf.marie@gmail.com
Please temporarily send all examination applications and documents to the WCF office wcfev@aol.com
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Webinar about FIP
Dear members, breeders and cat owners,
A webinar (online seminar) on the latest on the latest in FIP research and advancements in treatment will take place on April 30, sponsored and contributed by TICA and CFA.
Anyone interested can register here, participation is free:
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
WCF offer for our members
Due to the current situation (Corona pandemic), we offer our members to carry out the following online activities under the patronage of the WCF:
1. Cost-free WCF Online Seminars (WEBinar)
The prerequisites for this are the same as the normal WCF seminar.
These seminars are aimed at breeders and / or owners of cats and the participants can get a confirmation of participation.
This confirmation does not apply to the judge's career, neither as a steward nor as a student judge certificate.
A fee of 7.50 Euro will be charged for a desired publication of the seminar (including date, city, club and other detailed information)
Registration forms will be available in the download area, to send to wcf.seminars@gmx.de
2. Online Review Sessions (home-to-home)
The cat is shown from home to ONE judge.
The number of participants must be at least 20 but not more than 30 cats per session.
Each session should be not longer than 4 hours.
The selected judge must be an Allbreed judge with a valid WCF judge's permission and good written and spoken English skills.
Neither a title nor an Excellent nor any other qualification will be awarded and no further claims can be made.
The participant gets only the written valuation from the judge.
The Online Review Session will be licensed and afterwards published by WCF.
The application will be available in the download area, also the WCF form "Online review report" for the judge (only this form can be used).
The request must be received at least 4 weeks before the date, one C-number per session is required.
No further sessions of other clubs at the same time are permitted.
3. Cyber Shows (home-to-judge room)
More than one judge in different judge rooms at the same time while showing the cats to the respective judge.
The number of participants must be at least 60, but must not exceed 30 cats per judge.
Each Cyber Show should be not longer than 4 hours.
The other terms are currently the same as for the online sessions, subject to changes or additions.
For more information, such as for example rules and other requirements, send your questions to wcf.cyber@aol.com
Concept and rules online seminars and -shows

The Board
Judge activities in other associations
Dear WCF judges,
please note the following existing WCF rule:
WCF judges (judges with a WCF exam and / or judges with a WCF judge's license) judge only at WCF exhibitions in accordance with the WCF standard.
This rule has hardly been applied in the past. We feel compelled to change this after the increased incidents in recent times.
As of May 15th, 2020, all judges send an informal application for planned invitations from Non-WCF/WCC/LOOF-clubs
for permission to the chairman of the Judges commission at least 4 weeks in advance:
Of course, this applies to all activities as a judge, including seminars
and online shows.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Thank you!
On behalf of all employees of the WCF office, I would like to thank our Chinese WCF club CAAC (CN-0333) for sending us face masks.
In the current global crisis situation, our cats, our members and, last but not least, our organization are dependent on cohesion and mutual support.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Crediting of license numbers due to the Corona pandemic
Dear club presidents,
For a possible crediting of license numbers for cancelled WCF exhibitions due to the Corona pandemic, please contact our Secretary General, who will act as responsible for this matter and who will provide you with advice and assistance.
Please avoid sending e-mails to our WCF office.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
To all our members, breeders and cat lovers all over the world:
Cats don't transfer corona virus to humans, they only transfer love!
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Change of fees and deadlines for WCF show licenses
Dear members,
As you remember, on our General Assembly 2019 was proposed to shorten the application period from 6 to 4 weeks, unfortunately this proposal was not accepted.
Due to the fact that we constantly spend a lot of time on e-mails regarding "special permits for late requests", the Board has decided to change the fees in such cases in order to optimize and accelerate the organizational process.
We also ask for observing the deadlines specified in the list so that our license managers can process your license changes effectively and on time.
List for download 
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force on April 01, 2020 and will be presented to the next General Assembly for voting.
The Board
Change for the creation of WCF pedigrees
Dear members,
a pedigree must be issued for every kitten born in a WCF cattery.
The board has now decided that each WCF pedigree must have at least 3 generations.
3 generations mean: the kitten itself, the parents and the grandparents.
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Matings of golden with silver cats
Dear members, dear judges,
constantly golden and silver cats are seen on WCF shows with severe color defaults, mainly at the British Shorthair in golden.
In the meantime, serious color faults such as no nose or eye surroundings or wrong colors on the paws were also found in silver cats.
The WCF Board has therefore decided the following:
To protect breeders and cats, matings between golden and silver cats are forbidden from April 1st, 2020 until further genetic researchs have been carried out to determine which gene it is and ensure that this gene, in addition to the color faults, cannot cause any other genetic defects in offsprings.
Offsprings with the characteristics described above, which have fallen in these matings, can only receive a RIEX pedigree with the EMS color code "x" due to this non-recognized color.
The pedigree must also be marked with "Not for breeding", so please inform your breeders and your trainee clubs that these cats may not be sold for breeding before the genetic tests have been completed.
Cats with the above-mentioned color fault may only be exhibited with EMS colorcode "x" in the show class 24 - unrecognized colors / breeds - and may therefore not receive a title or participate in the Best in Show.
If these cats are registered in the wrong color and presented to the judge for assessment, they have to be rewritten by the judge to class 24. Likewise, no title may be awarded.
Cats with these color faults can only participate in the Variety Ring.
The Board
Dear presidents of the WCF clubs, dear members of the commissions, dear judges and student judges!
We wish you a quiet Christmas time, in which you can leave everyday stress behind.
For the coming year good luck, health and success!
The Board
Changes for WCF judges and student judges
It was acknowledged that the WCF is almost the only WCC organization that allows double listings of judges. A board decision was made and is valid until the General Assembly that forbids WCF judges to be listed on the judges lists of other organizations. This includes WCC organizations. The only exception is the LOOF because of the agreements made in the contract.
Please find here the exact wording of the board decision:
1. WCF e.V. doesn`t accept applications anymore from judges who are already in the judges list of other organizations, including WCC members.
2. Judges should decide on which organizations judges list they want to be listed - WCF judges list or another organization.
If they will choose another organization, it is possible to keep the judges in the guest judges list, if the relevant judge is in the list of a non WCC organization.
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Cover letter regarding GV 2019
Dear members,
in the protected member area an important letter is available in German.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Judge Exams
Due to the absence of information from Mrs. Melnikova about issued permissions for examinations, all permissions for examinations after June 30th, 2019, issued by Mrs Melnikova, are not valid.
Examinations, taken by these permissions are not valid.
For new permissions please contact Mr. Trautmann:
The Board
Obituary Andreas Möbius
Our former Secretary General, WCF judge and club president SteV e.V. Andreas Möbius left us much too early.
Only now we got knowledge of it, that he died already in June.
Our condolences to his family and friends.
The Board
Dear members,
the German protocol of the GA 2019 is available in the protected member area.
In addition, the new show rules are also available for download.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
I would like to thank you very much for the congratulations on my birthday!
I'm glad that so many people around the world have thought of it.
Anneliese Hackmann
Judging at exhibitions of Non-WCC organizations
We would like to ask our judges not to support or judge on exhibitions of the clubs "International Cat Expo ICE" and "Feline Fanciers Federation FFF" (currently Asian organizations).
Please refrain from invititations of these organizations.
This concern was discussed in the WCC meeting and there are reasons for it, so all members of the WCC agreed on this.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Rules amendments / additions
Dear members,
the Board has decided on rules and amendments / additions to existing rules:
Special Show rules for Moscow
All requests for licenses in Moscow and in distance of at least 100 km bee-line to Moscow must be sent for permission ONLY to the chairwoman of the Show commission, currently Mrs. Nuke E-Mail:
(Licenses for exhibitions at a distance of 200 km and more are treated like any other license).
After permission the requests will be forwarded to the license manager for issuing.
Here you can download the rules: Moscow Rules EN
Limit for Joint Shows with non-WCC organizations
Addition to the show rules, B.1.3.2:
Each club can only run a Joint Show with non-WCC organizations once a year.
Large projects within Moscow according to the special Moscow rules.
Exhibition catalogues
The catalogue must be written in one of the official languages of the WCF.
The club is allowed to provide an additional catalogue in the local language or include additional information in the local language.
Short exams for external judges
Existing rule:
The test has to be made in an official language of WCF.
The language may not be the mother tongue or the language of the country the candidate is living in.
The test has to be made in an official language of WCF.
Show rules, Show classes WCF
Article D.7 - class 20: Litter class, 3 - 6 months
A litter consists of at least 3 kittens
These Board decisions with character of a rule come into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Retired WCF club
Following club (including trainee club) is no more a WCF member:
UA-0133, ILCF (17.06.2019)
WCF pedigrees and all further documents with WCF logo, issued after the date mentioned at the club,
constitute a violation of the trademark protection and must be immediately sent to the WCF office.
The Board
Agenda GA 2019
Dear presidents! Dear board members! Dear members of the commissions!
The agenda for our General Assembly 2019 is now available for you in the member area.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
General Assembly 2019, forms
Dear members,
all necessary forms are now available in our password-protected members area:
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Obituary Mrs. Victoria Kacina
On 21 March 2019, Victoria Kacina, longtime secretary of our WCF club LKMA MOONCAT / Latvia, passed away.
Our condolences to her family and friends
The Board
Standard- and Judges Commission
Dear members,
From now on, Mrs. Rudakova is delegated by the Board.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Processing of World Shows
Dear members,
from now on Mrs. Meister overtakes the processing of World Shows.
Please send your requests and other concerns to:
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.
Date General Assembly 2019
Dear members,
unfortunately there was an error in our last newsletter:
Our General Meeting will not be held from June 22 to June 24, 2019, but one week later.
The correct date is Friday, June 28, until Sunday, June 30, 2019 here in Essen.
The registration of the members takes place on the morning of the 28th of June, after completion of the registration the GA will begin.
Further details will be announced in the official invitation.
We apologize for that, but since we had to change the date due to the WCC meeting, something was wrongly documented here.
Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.