Student judges of the WCF
Countries are sorted alphabetically according to their country code, as provided by ISO-3166.
AE - United Arab Emirates |
AU - Australia |
BE - Belgium |
BG - Bulgaria |
BR - Brazil |
BY - Belarus,
Republic |
CH - Switzerland |
CHN - China, People's Republic |
CL - Chile |
DE - Germany |
EE - Estonia |
ES - Spain |
FR - France |
GR - Greece |
HU - Hungary |
IL - Israel |
IN - India |
IRL - Ireland |
IT - Italy |
KZ - Kazakhstan |
LT - Lithuania |
LV - atvia
MT - Malta |
PL - Poland |
RO - Romania |
RS - Serbia |
RU - Russian
Federation |
SE - Sweden |
TR -Turkey
UA - Ukraine |
ZA - South Africa |