Rules for stewarding
as qualification for
the admission to the
judge's examination





Rules for stewarding as qualification for the admission to the judge's examination



The applicant will have completed over a period of at least two years ten assignments as a steward at national or international shows at home and abroad. He must have a valid tetanus vaccination.


This will be certified in form of steward certificates, which contain information on the cat breeds which have been carried each time as well as the aptitude for this job. The certificate will be signed by the judge to whom the candidate was assigned as a steward. Merely carrying notes with numbers does not entitle to a steward’s certificate.


During his activity as a steward the applicant is to help the judge in accordance with the following rules:


  • He has to wear a white coat and to take care of a careful disinfection of the table of the judge, the cages,
        his coat and his hands.
  • He must take the cat correctly out of the cage.
  • He is not allowed to leave the judge before the end of the judging and has to be available for the Best in Show.
  • He is not allowed to give any comment, whether it is his opinion of the carried cat or its identity.
  • He is not allowed to inform the exhibitors of the judgement but for the case when the judge allows it expressly
        and/or his translation is required.
  • He must inform the Head Steward if a cat is absent.


3. The steward has to be at least 16 years old at the beginning of his activities.