Obituary Mrs. Sofya Krasavchikova
On December 26th, 2018 we lost our judge Sofya Krasavchikova.
Our condolences to her family and friends
The Board
Show licenses, 3. License Manager
From 1st of November 2018 Mrs. Karikh will take over the licensing from Mrs. Khodusova for the following countries / regions:
Russia - Asian part
At the same time, Frau Khodusova is taking over the licensing for Belarus from Mrs. Danisch.
An actualized overview you can find here in due course:
Changes or questions concerning applications for above-mentioned countries/regions processed by Mrs Khudosova and Mrs Danisch before 1st of November 2018 are to send to the "new" license manager.
The Board
Pedigrees of registered cats
Dear members,
please note the breeding rule, that the original registration number must be retained by transferring a pedigree.
When assigning a new registration number, the original number must be entered visibly.
The name of the cat can not be changed.
Dear members,
the updated WCF EMS code can be found here:
Anneliese Hackmann, president WCF
General Assembly 2019, information for clubs under patronage
Dear members,
all clubs under patronage must submit their complete documents in all 3 official WCF languages to the Secretary General until December 31st, 2018.
The Board
Please note, that the competition WORLD GOLDEN CAT is no WCF competition.
Anneliese Hackmann, president WCF
Processing of seminars
Dear members,
from now on, Mrs. Hungerecker is responsible for the processing and approval of seminars.
Please send inquiries and applications to: wcf.seminars@gmx.de.
The Board
Supplement show rules, show classes of the WCF
Dear members,
the Board has decided on the following addition of the Show rules:
Article D.7 - class 20: Litter class, 3 - 6 months
A litter consists of at least 3 kittens
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Participation in a Double Master Ring
Cats who have won the titles WCF Silver Master, WCF Pearl Master, WCF Jubilee Master and WCF Olimpic Master,
are all qualified to participate in a WCF Double Master Ring.
Aija Nuke,
Chairwoman Show commission
Please note, that the Russian competition TOP CAT is no WCF competition.
The Board
Short exams for external judges
Dear members,
the Board has decided on the following change of the Judges rules regarding the short exams for external judges:
The test has to be made in an official language of WCF.
The language may not be the mother tongue or the language of the country the candidate is living in.
The test has to be made in an official language of WCF.
This Board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting on the next General Assembly.
The Board
Obituary Carl-Heinz Knelangen
On the 9th of February suddenly and unexpectedly our WCF Allbreed judge and
former president of the WCF club "Freesenkatten" Carl-Heinz Knelangen died at the age of only 63 years.
Our compassion for his family and friends
The Board
Supplement Show rules
Dear members,
the board has decided on the following supplement to the Show rules:
C.1 - World Show (WS)
A special license given by the board is mandatory,
such an exhibition may be organized maximum once per year and per country.
If a country contains two continents, on each continent a World Show can take place.
E.4.2 - Master-Ring only once per year per country
The Master-Ring of WCF may be organized in each country only once per year during a licensed international show
or during the World Show.
If a country contains two continents, both World Shows can get the permission for a Masterring
(Double-Masterring/ Triple-Masterring).
This board decision with character of a rule comes into force with publication and will be placed for voting
on the next General Assembly.
The Board