






















We want to set a sign!
Next year 25 years ago, five friends, who loved cats very much, founded the WCF. Our statute is as old as the WCF,
not more modern and therefore, unfortunately, all too vulnerable. We want to remind all, on the occasion of our silver
anniversary in 2013, with the Silver Jubilee Rings of the love for our furry friends and the fact, that cats love is the
base for the work in the WCF.


In this ring may participate all cats that are present on the exhibition - regardless of gender, age and breed. Special
emphasis should be placed in the awarding of the Silver-Master to the nature of cats. We love lovely cats and “cuddlyness”
and sweetness, so shall be considered in addition to standard evaluation by the judge. This way we want to show, that the
base in the WCF is not only about competing ideas but especially for the love we feel for our cats and our cats for us.


There will be the possibility for member clubs of WCF to hold the Silver-Master Ring with the title Silver Master.


Applications for permission of holding a Silver Jubilee Show with Silver Master Ring can now be made to the Board.


Issued on Silver Jubilee Shows Cats get double points for these exhibitions for the Best Cat of WCF.


The organizing club will receive an official Silver Jubilee banner of the WCF and the title of Silver Master may be awarded
to the 2 best cats shown at the Silver Jubilee-ring .


More information is available upon request at the office of the WCF at

The Board

Show license:


With the approval of the President of the Disciplinary Commission and the President of the Judges Commission, the Executive Board has
approved the following rule: Clubs wishing to engage non-licensed judges for judging must submit copies of the documents concerning
the judge examines to the Judges Commission to verify status before applying for a show-license. The authorization to apply for the show-
license for that judge will be issued after verification of the certificates for the verified classes by the Judges Commission. This verification
must be done again in each individual case and is a service provided by WCF. The fee is 20 € each individual case. The review of the
qualification is not equivalent to the granting of the Judges License and does not automatically lead to a recognition of the judge as a WCF
judge. This rule does not apply to judges of the WCC member associations and associations that contractual agreement with respect to
their judges with WCF. This rule is valid from 01 July .2012 and will be taken on the agenda at the next General Assembly for vote.

The Board



To protect the WCF trademark from abuse, the Board initiated the project: “Central Registration Numbers” This project will be placed on
the agenda of the next General Assembly for confirmation The project explains as follows:


All confirmed WCF members can participate voluntarily in this project If a club agrees on the project, all new pedigrees issued by the club
must be produced with hologram stickers and central registration number. Voluntarily the hologram stickers can as well be placed on
already existing pedigrees issued by the club. New patronage members are obliged to participate in the project All participating clubs receive
“counterfeit-proof” hologram stickers with registration numbers. These registration-numbers have to be given additional to the internal club
registration number. The hologram sticker must be placed on the pedigree. The club has to send in a pdf scan of each produced pedigree with
the central registration number to the central office via email The fee per hologram sticker is 3 Euro. The production and sale of pedigrees
stays with the club. The hologram stickers must be purchased in advance from the WCF, minimum 100 stickers per order.

The Board

Triple Master Ring!


The board sets in force the following rule, vaild until voting upon this rule on the next GA: “The Triple Master Ring can be
licensed only once per year per countryt. It is the highest Master title attainable in WCF.”

The Board

Decisions of the Board of 05/29/2012:


The Club under patronage DK-0249 Cozy Cat Club is removed with the consent of the patronage giver from the list of
patronage clubs because of missing payments and a lack of information and communication with the Board.


The Club under patronage SE-0239 Svenska Siamessällskapet was dissolved and is therefore removed from the list of
patronage clubs.


From now on the representative of the WCF e.V. in France is Mrs. Sylvie Comte, president of the club Cercle de l'Est Félin,


The Board

Joint show without permission


The organization of the joint-show “FOREST CAT SHOW 2012,19-20 May 2012” in Moscow by CFC CatExpo RU-0213
violates the procedures proclaimed by the WCF for joint shows. CFC CatExpo RU-0213 has not asked nor received
permission for organizing a Joint show. Therefore the license number #12059 is cancelled. All titles given in this show
will not be valid in the WCF. The punishment fine for the club is 500 Euro. All pedigrees, titles and catteries registered
by Cat Expo RU-0213 will be non-valid until payment of the fine. As it is the second time, that the rules for joint-shows
are ignored by CatExpo RU-0213, the voting for expulsion of the club will be placed on the Agenda of the next WCF’s
General Assembly.


The Board

Dear Members!


Offices will be closed during Advent for Christmas holidays. The circulating rumors are completely unfounded.
We look forward to next year and all the wonderful events and innovations on the occasion of our silver anniversary.

The Board

Joint-Show Reports


The show report must be provided to the show commission and the 2nd vice-president within 10 days after the show.

Tatjana Cernova
2nd vice-president

Best Cat of WCF


Only the Top 24 daily results of Cats, Neuters and Household Pets will be counted. Only the Top 14 daily results of Kittens will be counted.


The daily result is the sum of points a cat earns in traditional judging, by taking part in a WCF-Ring, the Placement in a WCF-Ring and the
number of beaten cats in a WCF-Ring.


The results of a cat of the first six months of the year must be reported until September 30,, otherwise the results will not be scored.


The results of a cat for the shows held from July 1 to September 30 must be reported until October 31, otherwise the results will not be


The results of a cat for the shows held from October 1 to December 31 must be reported until January 15 of the next year, otherwise
the results will not be scored.

The Board

Trademark in Russia


Dear Members!


We are pleased to inform you that we have succeeded through the tireless efforts of our President Mrs. Hackmann to secure the trademark
for the WCF in Russia. Please use now the original logo of the WCF. You can download it here rules-download.


After many years therefore finally, now, again Russian clubs can be taken under patronage.


Please send your resumes to our 2nd Vice President Mrs. Cernova


We continue to work on a peaceful future for the WCF. Please assist us in this endeavour.

The Board

Resignation of the chairman of the show commission


Mr. Paolo Veneziani has resigned in his capacity as Chairman and Member of the exhibition commission,
therefore, Mrs. Elena Butomova was co-opted as new member of the show commission.


Mrs. Svetlana Sivitskaya was elected new chairwoman of the commission.

The Board

Necessary information for corresponding with WCF


Dear colleagues!


A lot of times we have problems with incoming emails. Sometimes no clubnumber is mentioned, sometimes the name
of the club is missing and sometimes not even the name of the person who writes, is complete. This makes it quite
difficult for us to recognize the sender and the related club sometimes. Please be sure to use always complete names,
club-names and especially club-numbers in your correspondence. The club-number must already be mentioned in the
concern line.


We will not answer any requests without correct and complete information anymore.

Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF



Mrs. Daniela Cramer takes over from today on the issuing of show licenses for all regions except Russia and Ukraine.

The Board

Assistant of executive commitee


Mr. Kurt Vlach was co opted as assistant of the executive committee of WCF.

The Board

Project : central registration


All participants in the project „central registration“ have to send the copies of hologram-marked pedigrees
unsolicited to the secretary general:

The Board

Dear members!


Today is "Wolrd-Cat-Day"!
In 2002, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) called into life this day to celebrate our beloved
cats and honour their memory. Help us to help by acting responsibly to the cats of the world, especially
those who do not live in a cosy home. We wish you and your cats all the best

The Board



We want to set a sign!
Next year 25 years ago, five friends, who loved cats very much, founded the WCF. Our statute is as old as the WCF,
not more modern and therefore, unfortunately, all too vulnerable. We want to remind all, on the occasion of our silver
anniversary in 2013, with the Silver Jubilee Rings of the love for our furry friends and the fact, that cats love is the
base for the work in the WCF.


In this ring may participate all cats that are present on the exhibition - regardless of gender, age and breed. Special
emphasis should be placed in the awarding of the Silver-Master to the nature of cats. We love lovely cats and “cuddlyness”
and sweetness, so shall be considered in addition to standard evaluation by the judge. This way we want to show, that the
base in the WCF is not only about competing ideas but especially for the love we feel for our cats and our cats for us.


There will be the possibility for member clubs of WCF to hold the Silver-Master Ring with the title Silver Master.


Applications for permission of holding a Silver Jubilee Show with Silver Master Ring can now be made to the Board.


Issued on Silver Jubilee Shows Cats get double points for these exhibitions for the Best Cat of WCF.


The organizing club will receive an official Silver Jubilee banner of the WCF and the title of Silver Master may be awarded
to the 2 best cats shown at the Silver Jubilee-ring .


More information is available upon request at the office of the WCF at

The Board

Dear members!


As a volunteer Mr. Kurt Vlach has agreed to register the results for the competition “Best Cat of WCF” and the
registration of the World Champion certificates since July 15th, 2012. He will take over the works at the Hall of
Fame in co-operation with Mrs. Danisch and Mr. Mobius.


We wish him every success in this labor-intensive task.

The Board



We want to remind you that payments will only be accepted from full members and patronat clubs.
Sub-clubs and members of the clubs have to pay via the main club.


All payments must include the following information: number of club and purpose of payment

The Treasurer

General Assembly April 2012:


The short protocol is online now. See WCF-Infothek / Protocols GV. The full protocol, you can download in the area
password-protected with the password you have been sent by email.

The Board

Show license:


With the approval of the President of the Disciplinary Commission and the President of the Judges Commission, the Executive Board has
approved the following rule: Clubs wishing to engage non-licensed judges for judging must submit copies of the documents concerning
the judge examines to the Judges Commission to verify status before applying for a show-license. The authorization to apply for the show-
license for that judge will be issued after verification of the certificates for the verified classes by the Judges Commission. This verification
must be done again in each individual case and is a service provided by WCF. The fee is 20 € each individual case. The review of the
qualification is not equivalent to the granting of the Judges License and does not automatically lead to a recognition of the judge as a WCF
judge. This rule does not apply to judges of the WCC member associations and associations that contractual agreement with respect to
their judges with WCF. This rule is valid from 01 July .2012 and will be taken on the agenda at the next General Assembly for vote.

The Board



To protect the WCF trademark from abuse, the Board initiated the project: “Central Registration Numbers” This project will be placed on
the agenda of the next General Assembly for confirmation The project explains as follows:


All confirmed WCF members can participate voluntarily in this project If a club agrees on the project, all new pedigrees issued by the club
must be produced with hologram stickers and central registration number. Voluntarily the hologram stickers can as well be placed on
already existing pedigrees issued by the club. New patronage members are obliged to participate in the project All participating clubs receive
“counterfeit-proof” hologram stickers with registration numbers. These registration-numbers have to be given additional to the internal club
registration number. The hologram sticker must be placed on the pedigree. The club has to send in a pdf scan of each produced pedigree with
the central registration number to the central office via email The fee per hologram sticker is 3 Euro. The production and sale of pedigrees
stays with the club. The hologram stickers must be purchased in advance from the WCF, minimum 100 stickers per order.

The Board

Triple Master Ring!


The board sets in force the following rule, vaild until voting upon this rule on the next GA: “The Triple Master Ring can be
licensed only once per year per country. It is the highest Master title attainable in WCF.”

The Board



Result of the meeting convened by the Executive Board of the WCF in Milan on 06/23/2012.


Those present in the meeting participating clubs with voting right convened by the Executive Board of the WCF
decide unanimously that the legal legitimacy of WCF Italia is not given and deny the existence of the WCF Italia


Mr. Paolo Veneziani


Mrs. Vittoria Duchi

Mr Andrea Vincenzi

Secretary General of the WCF
read and approved
Mr. Andreas Moebius

Information for all members


By a court order the exclusion for life of Tomas and Inga Balčiūnas Balčiūniene and Aivita Shakale has been
declared invalid.

The Board

Decisions of the Board of 05/29/2012:


The Club under patronage DK-0249 Cozy Cat Club is removed with the consent of the patronage giver from the list of
patronage clubs because of missing payments and a lack of information and communication with the Board.


The Club under patronage SE-0239 Svenska Siamessällskapet was dissolved and is therefore removed from the list of
patronage clubs.


From now on the representative of the WCF e.V. in France is Mrs. Sylvie Comte, president of the club Cercle de l'Est Félin,


The Board

Joint show without permission


The organization of the joint-show “FOREST CAT SHOW 2012,19-20 May 2012” in Moscow by CFC CatExpo RU-0213
violates the procedures proclaimed by the WCF for joint shows. CFC CatExpo RU-0213 has not asked nor received
permission for organizing a Joint show. Therefore the license number #12059 is cancelled. All titles given in this show
will not be valid in the WCF. The punishment fine for the club is 500 Euro. All pedigrees, titles and catteries registered
by Cat Expo RU-0213 will be non-valid until payment of the fine. As it is the second time, that the rules for joint-shows
are ignored by CatExpo RU-0213, the voting for expulsion of the club will be placed on the Agenda of the next WCF’s
General Assembly.


The Board

Hall of Fame


The responsibility for issuing the World Champion and World Premier certificates and the update for the webpage
”Hall of Fame” will from April 20, 2012 be delegated to the president of the Show-Commission Mr. Paolo Veneziani.


As works have to be transferred and training will be done, Mr. Veneziani will start working on the certificates
from May 1, 2012.


Secretary General WCF e.V.


Francesco Picinali



With great sorrow we have to inform you that on March 30, 2012 Mr. Francesco Picinali
died suddenly at the age 48 years.


He came into the felinology over 25 years ago, and became the president of Association
Confederate European Felin (ACEF )and judge WCF All Breed on cat shows.


We sincerely condolence to the family and all the many friends of Mr Picinali


The board and the commissions

Dear members!


The WCF Olimpia in Rome on 24 and 25 March 2012 (Olimpia, Italian spelling) is the first Super show of the WCF.


Once a year, this WCF Olimpia Supershow will take place and the cats taking part in the competition for Best Cat of WCF
receive the results tripled by points.


Please support the efforts of the Board and the WCF to make this event a success.


The board

Show commission


The show commission has today elected Paolo Veneziani into the position of Chairman of the commission.


Congratulations from the board


The board

Dear members!


Sending the first email to all full-members and all patronat-members, I found out, that many email addresses are invalid.
It is your responsibility to keep the data fresh and inform us about changes, so we can reach all our dear members
without problems.


Please check the WCF-Online website for your club data, especially phone and email. Send corrections if needed
immediately to me so I can update and correct my mailing lists.


Andreas Möbius
Secretary General WCF e.V.

Extraordinary general meeting


The extraordinary general meeting took place on 10th march 2012 . We want to thank all the members and delegates
for your numerous participation and your confidence The official protocol of the GA will soon be sent to all member
associations. We would like to present the results briefly and want to congratulate all elected representatives.


Voting about the new statute:    the new statute was not confirmed by the ¾ majority
Voting about dissolution of WCF:    the dissolution was not confirmed by the ¾ majority
Elections of board and commissions:
President:   Anneliese Hackmann
Secretary General:    Andreas Möbius
Treasurer:      Gisela Danisch
1. Vice-President:       Paulo Ruschi
2.Vice-President:            Anna Rudakova (non of the candidates received the absolute majority
of votes. Mrs. Rudakova maintains in position for the moment)
Show commission:       Paolo Veneziani
  Svetlana Sivitskaya
Disciplinary commission:  Klaas v.d.Wijk
  Brigitte Pepermans
  The other candidates did not receive a majority
Auditors:        The candidates did not receive a majority


We want to thank all our helpers for the preparation and work done at the meeting!


The board

Results Best Cat of WCF 2011


The following breeders / owners reached with their cats the Top 15 adults, Top 15 kitten / juniors or
Top 10 neuters final in the competition Best Cat of WCF 2011. For details please visit our “Hall of Fame”


We would like to invite you to the first WCF Olympia in Rome to present the prize-winning cats and owners
on Sunday march 25, 2012. You can subscribe at for the show.







Alfio & Monica




Maria Lucia
















Maria Grazia


Raffaella & Federica


Ksenia & Peter














Anna &Robert




Elke & Torsten




















Maria Tati
















The board

Best Cat of WCF 2011


The results of the competition “Best Cat of WCF 2011” are published on our website „Hall of Fame”
See: for details.


Congratulation to all participants and winners!


The board

Information for Members


Because of a court order the club RU-0160 "IFC Felis" was affiliated again into the WCF.


The board

Information for Members


Like you might have seen already, Mrs. Anna Rudakova and Mrs Olga Abramova
are present again on the actual WCF-Judges list.


The board

Dear members!




The winners of the BEST CAT of WCF 2011 will be presented on the first Best Cat of WCF-Show
in Rome on 24 and 25 March 2012 .For given reason, we point out that only members of WCF Member
Associations can participate in the contest BEST CAT WCF and be rewarded. Applications to host
the Best Cat of WCF 2013 can now be submitted to the Board.


The show committee and the board

Cattery Names


Due to technical problems, the database for the publication of the cattery names is not properly updated.

We are eager to solve this problem as quickly as possible. In the meantime, if urgent, please contact
Ms. Reiter. Email:


Thank you for your understanding


the Admin

General Assemblies 2012


Reminder: concerning the participation at the General Assemblies 2012.


The presidents of the voting members or their delegates (prove of membership and delegation obligatory) have to send
in the written commitment of the participation minimum 30 days prior to the General Assembly to the General Secretary’s
office (at the moment the office of WCF) . The written commitment to participate is personal and can not be changed or
transferred after written consent.


Late applications will not be admitted. Participation is not possible for late entries and the members vote can not be applied
in the GA. Please remember to identify the function of the participants in your registration for the general meetings.. Per
member one delegate and one adviser is allowed to participate. Other persons may attend only as guests and will be placed


Anneliese Hackmann
President WCF e.V.

Project World Cat Congress


We are searching for a project of World Cat Congress (WCC) photos of the following breeds in high quality:


Egyptian Mau


European Shorthair


Japanese Bobtail Longhair


Karelian Bobtail Shorthair

Karelian Bobtail Longhair

Kurilian Shorthair



The cats shall match the WCF standard excellent and the copyright for the photo must be attached.
Please send the photos including all necessary Information to the following email:


The board

Best Cat


for entering the results for the competition „Best Cat WCF 2011” is January 15, 2012.
Results arriving later, can not be recognized.



The board

Dear members!


By a server error since December 5, 2011, the data for the Best Cat have been unable to be transferred.


We would like to ask you to send the confirmations of submissions to or re-enter
the data.


Please excuse the inconvenience.



the Admin

The board


The following clubs under patronage were expelled from WCF e.V. due to non-payment:


Best Cats in the World (FR-0223)


Feline Enthusiast of Malaysia (MY-0248)



The board