




















List of cattery names



The online list of WCF catteries will be completed continously and, if necessary, corrected. If one of your members misses its registered cattery in this list, you may send a copy of your "green slip" (original document of registration in Essen) to the office in Essen to check and correct your entry in this list.


Ortrun Wagner
General secretary

Show licenses



Commencing immediately the licenses for exhibitions in Russia and the Ukraine will be issued by Mr. Yan Lavrentyev, president Cat's Meow LV-0217. Please send your applications to Julia (CAT's MEOW) email:
The licenses for all other countries are issued by Mr. Paulo Ruschi.


The Board of WCF

Authorized to accept payments



Commencing immediately also Dr. Victor N. Zaalov is authorized to accept payments.


The Board of WCF

Cattery registration



Please use the application form, which is provided for cattery registration, and follow the rules for cattery registration
(see Internet page of the WCF). If one of your cattery names is already registered and you receive a feedback, you must answer immediately to ensure that the registration process can be finished within three months. If the process needs a longer time, you must send a new application and must pay the fee again.


Anneliese Hackmann

Scottish / Highland Fold



Due to several wrong pedigrees and incorrect registrations of straight eared kittens as British there are now breeding and registration rules for Scottish Fold and Highland Fold.
You can find these rules on the standards of the Scottish Fold and Highland Fold.


Judges' commission of the WCF

LOOF cancelled the cooperation contract with the WCF unilaterally



LOOF has cancelled the contract of cooperation with WCF unilaterally, commencing with 01.09.2009, and published this action on its website on 15.09.2009. LOOF did not inform the WCF, however, WCF had to read about this cancellation on the website of the LOOF.

Starting with 01.11.2009 it is not allowed, that judges of the LOOF judge at exhibitions of the WCF. Judges from LOOF will not be licensed as guest-judges of the WCF. French judges must enter a WCF club (finally in addition) and have to provide the necessary documents of their examinations, that they can be registered as judges of the WCF.
Only LOOF-certificates, which have been received in France, can be recognized and accepted. All certificates, which have been attributed by judges of the LOOF outside of France, cannot be recognized and accepted any longer.


The Board of the WCF

New provisional treasurer



Mrs Marion Meister finished her provisional function as treasurer due to shortage in time.
We want to thank Mrs Meister heartfully for the large amount of work, she did in an honorary capacity during the last years! Mrs Christina Brumpreuksch–Lißy will be provisionally in function of the treasurer until the next GA.
Phone: +49-(0)-2421-307 124 (evening from 7:00 p.m.)
Mrs Christina Brumpreuksch–Lißy is also responsible for the attribution of the C-numbers.


The Board of the WCF

Cattery names



It is not permitted that cattery names include any breed name.
Examples of not permitted cattery names
Not permitted: Bengals Darling
Not permitted: Maine Coon of Darling
Not permitted: Nude Sphynx
Please read at: Registration of a cattery name.


WCF office

Contact to WCF only via the main club



Due to recent cases we want to remind you that single persons shall not send directly requests to the WCF. Please contact your appropriate club with your requests. The Board communicates with WCF-members, i.e. with main clubs and members under patronage. Sub-clubs also have to contact their main club.


The Board of the WCF

WCC 2009, Arnhem, Netherlands



This year the 4-days World Cat Congress took place during easter time (11.-14. 04.2009) in Arnhem/Netherlands. The organizer and host was FIFe together with Mundikat Read more in the menu: Infothek - Events

Registration of cattery names



New: Form for the registration of cattery names, see the menu Infothek-Forms
Rules for the registration of cattery names: We have compound the rules, which had been decided by the general assemblies 1992-2008, in one document, see the menu Rules.


Office of the WCF

Colour codes



Message from the Board
The Board kindly asks all main-clubs and patronage-clubs to forward a list of the breed and colour codes used in the pedigrees to the WCF office in Essen, both in your own native language and in one of the official languages of the WCF!


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Suspension: Irina Guseva



Suspension of Mrs. Irina Guseva as judge because of severe infringements of the rules: June 30, 2009 - October 30, 2009
Clubs may not invite Mrs. Guseva as judge during this period, please change eventual invitations, already made.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Breeds, which are recognized by WCC-members



Message from the judges' commission All breeds, which are recognized by an organization connected to the WCC, may be exhibited in the WCF and may receive all titles. These breeds also can be nominated for the "Best in Show".


Cornelia Hungerecker
Judges & Standard Commission

Invitation as judge to a WCC club



Message from the judges' commission
WCF-judges, who are invited as judges to a club of the WCC, must request the permission from the Board.


Cornelia Hungerecker
Judges & Standard Commission

Applications: addresses



Please send the following applications to the following addresses:
Applications for World Shows: to Mrs. A. Hackmann
Applications for Seminars: to Mrs. A. Hackmann
Applications for Joint Shows: to Mrs. O. Wagner
Applications for judge's license: to Mrs. C. Hungerecker
Applications for certificates for World Champion/Premior: to Mrs. E. Preiss
Please send all applications, if possible, electronically via email.
Applications for judge's license cannot be sent electronically via email!



Renewal of the judge's license



If the judge's license has to be renewed, please send the application form signed and stamped by your club to my address, including a passport photo.
It is not sufficient only to pay the fee. The license will not be renewed, if the application is not submitted (see the Menu Infothek - Forms on the website).


Cornelia Hungerecker
Standard & Judges Commission

Announcement of judge's pupils



Dear members,
New judge's pupils have to be announced through their club to the chair of the Judges' Commission. Announcements of judge's pupils, which are made directly by the pupils, cannot be taken into account. Only if the club announces the judge's pupils, they will be included into the list of pupils.
Best regards


Cornelia Hungerecker
Standard & Judges Commission

Suspension: Alisa, Irina Guseva



Suspension of Alisa and all its sub-clubs because of severe infringements of the rules: February 26, 2009 - August
26, 2009 There will not be licensed any exhibitions for Alisa and all its sub-clubs during this period.


Suspension of Mrs. Irina Guseva as judge because of severe infringements of the rules: June 30, 2009 - December
31, 2009. Clubs may not invite Mrs. Guseva as judge during this period, please change eventual invitations, already made.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Requests for show licenses too late forwarded



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
Requests for show licenses, which had been forwarded too late, will not be punished with a fine any longer, but a reprimand will be made. In case of a 2nd time these requests, which are not forwarded in due time, will be rejected without issuing a license.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Joint Shows: to be requested 3 months in advance



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
Joint Shows have to be requested 3 months before the date of the exhibition at the Secretary General.
The fee is 30 euros per day, the C-number will have an indication that is the number of a joint show.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Russian office closed



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
The Russian office of the WCF is closed, this is immediately in effect. The members can read all important informations on the multi-lingual website of the WCF (also in Russian!) at

Mrs. Rudakova takes care for the Russian members' area, in her function as 2nd vice-president, of the anouncement of cattery names, she will control the WCH and will sell the C-numbers.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Judges: Cancel



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
If a show has to be cancelled, the organizing club has to refund the costs to the judge(s), presented in writing and which had been already paid by the judge(s).

If a judge cancels less than 3 weeks before the date of the exhibition without any serious reason, a disciplinary case will be impended against him.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Money transfers



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
Due to the extraordinary effort in time and work - the recipient always has to go personally to the post office to get the money, the money transfers sent via Western Union and similar institutes will not be accepted any longer, when the amount of money is below 200.- Euros.

It is recommended to make summary money transfers.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Concerning the closing of the Novice class



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
Under the auspicies of the current laws permissions for an exception, granted by the WCF, are possible. The requests for an exception have to be forwarded to the Board of the WCF. Neuters of all breeds may be inscribed into the Novice class without any special permission.


Ortrun Wagner
Secretary General

Title certificate World CH. / PR.



Decision of the Board from January 23, 2009
The clubs control and guarantee all title certificates inclusive up to Gr. Eur. Ch / Gr. Eur. Pr.
The applications for the certificate WCH/WPR have to be sent to the Show Commission, including the date of the show, place, license-number and judges. The SC will check the applications, will make the layout and edition. Print-out on paper will be made by the office in Essen, which also intends to send the certificates by normal postage.
In the Internet the World Champions / Premiors of the current year, including a picture of the cat, will be published. World Champions / Premiors of former years will appear chronologically in a list, i.e. there will be implemented an archive, which is sorted according to the years.
The club will issue a bill with Euro 20,00 to its members, where 5,00 euros will be kept by the club for its administration, and 15,00 euros will be transferred to WCF.



ATTENTION judge's pupils



On each pupil's certificate the following data must be provided:
City of the exhibition
Date of the exhibition


Cornelia Hungerecker
Standard & Judges Commission