Colour distribution

To the colours
Solid/Non Agouti

aa C- oY/oo
aa- C- OY/OO

denotes an uniformly coloured coat.


Every single hair is evenly coloured from the root to the tip and has no pattern (ghost tabby).


Tortieshell /Tortie

aa C- Oo

denotes an uneven, but harmonious distribution of black and red patches or their dilute variety -
chocolate/light red, cinnamon/cream, blue/cream- over the entire body, including the extremities.



Ss oY/oo

denotes Solid and Tabby with piebald white spotting (minimum 1/3, maximum 1/2 white).


Coloured and white areas are harmoniously distributed.
A white blaze is desirable.



Ss Oo

denotes Tortie and Torbie with piebald white spotting (minimum 1/3, maximum 1/2 white).



Ss oy/oo/Oy/OO/Oo

denotes Bi - or Tricolour with 5/6 piebald white spotting.


Coloured patches on the body (3-5) and the head, tail coloured.
The belly s white.



SS oy/oo/Oy/OO/Oo

denotes Tortie and Torbie with extremely high piebald white spotting.


Coloured patch(es) on the head - ideally the colour is between the ears. The tail is with colour.


The remaining parts of the head, the ears, the back, the belly and the legs are white.


Mitted White even gloves on the front paws, white boots on the hind legs reaching to the joint. White on the chin,
which continues to a white chest without interruption, white belly.
with white


Any amount of white. The pattern does not correspond to any pattern above.
Chinchilla, Shell

A- I- Wb-

A- ii Wb-

denotes agouti cats with an extremely high amount of silver (about 7/8 of the entire hair length).


The undercoat, chin, ear furnishing, belly, chest, the inner side of the legs and the under side of the tail are silvery white.


The face, ears, back, flanks, the upper side of the tail and the outer side of the legs have a silvery white root

of the hair and are evenly and lightly tipped with colour (about 1/8 of the entire hair length).
Any markings (ghost markings) are undesirable.
The plantar side of the feet is white.


A- I- Wb-

A- ii Wb-

denotes agouti cats with high amount of silver (about 2/3 of the entire hair length).


The undercoat, chin, ear furnishing, belly, chest, the inner side of the legs and the under side of the tail are silvery white.


The face, ears, back, flanks, the upper side of the tail and the outer side of the legs have a silvery white root
of the hair and are evenly tipped with colour (about 1/3 of the entire hair length).


Broken rings on the legs are tolerated.
The nose and the eyes are rimmed with the colour of the tipping; the paw pads are coloured with the colour of the tipping. A coloured plantar side of the feet is desired.



aa I-

denotes Solid and Tortie with a silvery white root of the hairs (about 1/3 of the entire hair length).


Ear furnishing, belly and the under side of the tail are silvery white; the hair tips are evenly tipped with colour (about 2/3 of the entire hair length).


In repose the cat appears solid, when moving the silvery white roots of the hairs are visible.


Pointed / point factor
Points = Siamese points


denotes evenly coloured points:


  • A rhomboid shaped mask covers the entire face, including the whisker pads and the chin, the mask is     connected to the ears by traces of colour.
  • Ears
  • Legs
  • Tail
  • testicles in males


The back, flanks and the belly (body colour) are glacial-white to ivory in the various colour varieties; there is
a clear contrast between the body colour and the point colour.


Darkening of the body colour and development of so called flank patches may be tolerated in older cats.


No patches coloured in the colour of the points on the under parts of the body (belly patches).

The eye colour is an intense blue.

Burmese pointed


Burmese points / Burmese-factor


The points are:


  • in the face (mask), on the ears, legs and tail
  • The points have the same colour as the body colour.
  • The contrast between the points and the body colour is weak.
  • The under parts of the body are slightly lighter than the back and the legs.


Colours with Burmese points are frequently called Sepia.


Tonkinese pointed


Tonkinese points


The points are:


  • in the face (mask), on the ears, legs and tail
  • The points have the same colour as the body colour, but their colour is more intense than that of the body
        and they fade gentle into the body colour.
  • The transition to the slightly lighter under parts of the body is gentle and almost not noticeable.


The eye colour is aquamarine, a distinct characteristic feature for Tonkinese points.

Colours with Tonkinese points are called Mink.


A- can be: AA or Aa C- can be: CC or Ccs or Ccb
I- can be: II or Ii S- can be: SS or Ss
Wb- can be: WbWb or Wbwb  
In pointed cats the colour black is called seal,
in cats with Burmese points the colour black is
called brown.