American Burmese (AMB)


To Shorthair breeds

The American Burmese is a cat of medium size with substantial bone structure, good muscular development and a surprising weight for its size. This together with a rounded head, expressive eyes presents a totally distinctive cat. 


The body is medium in size, muscular in development, and has a compact appearance. Larger size is allowed for males.

The breast is broad and rounded. The neck is well developed.

The back is straight from shoulders to tail.

The legs are well proportioned to the body.

The paws are round and of medium size.


Straight, medium in length, tapering to a blunt tip


The head is rounded without flat planes whether viewed from all sides.

The face is full and broad.

Well-developed short muzzle that maintains the rounded contours of the head.

There is a visible nose break in the profile.

The chin is firmly rounded.


The ears are medium in size, set well apart, broad at the base and rounded at the tips.

Tilting slightly forward, the ears contribute to an alert appearance.


The eyes are large, set far apart, with rounded aperture.


Fine, glossy, satin-like texture; short and very close lying.

Colour varieties
  • seal sepia

A rich, warm, sable brown; shading almost imperceptibly to a slightly lighter blue on the underparts. (Kittens are often lighter in color.)

Nose leather and paw pads are brown.

Eye color: ranges from gold to yellow, the greater the depth and brilliance the better.

  • chocolate sepia

should be a warm honey beige, shading to a pale gold tan underside. Slight darkening on ears and face permissible but lesser shading preferred. A slight darkening in older cats allowed, the emphasis being on even color.

Nose leather: light warm brown.

Paw pads: warm pinkish tan.

Eye color: ranging from yellow to gold, the greater the depth and brilliance the better.

  • blue sepia

a medium blue with warm fawn undertones, shading almost imperceptibly to a slightly lighter hue on the underparts.

Nose leather and paw pads:  slate gray.

Paw pads: ranging from slate gray to warm pinkish blue.

Eye color: ranging from gold to yellow, the greater the depth and brilliance the better.

  • lilac sepia

should be a pale, silvery gray with pale fawn undertones, shading almost imperceptibly to a slightly lighter hue on the underparts, but otherwise without shadings, barring or markings of any kind.

Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink.

Eye color: ranging from gold to yellow, the greater the depth and brilliance the better.


No other colors are allowed.

  • Distinct barring on either the front or rear outer legs (faint barring permitted at kittens and young adults)

  •  Elongated muzzle with severe narrowing, resulting in a wedge shaped head which detracts from the rounded countours of the head.

Faults that exclude the certificate
  • Green eyes

  • Look to close to Exotic Shorthair

  • Distinct barring on the torso

  •  Any color other than the four accepted colors

  • White patches (Lockets, medaillions etc.)

Permitted outcrosses


Scale of points
Body 20 points
Head 25 points
Ears   5 points
Eyes (shape and placement) 10 points
Eye color 10 points
Coattexture, -length 10 points
Body color and points 15 points
Condition   5 points

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