World Cat Congress 2014


WCF GA 2010


WCC 2010


WCC 2009


World Show 2009, Samara


Heppenheim 2008, part 1


2008, part 2


WCC 2007 Dortmund, part 1


WCC 2007 Dortmund, part 2


WCC 2007 Dortmund, part 3


World Cat Congress 2009 - Arnhem, Netherlands
Promoting Harmony in the Cat Fancy


This year the 4-days World Cat Congress took place during easter time (11.-14. 04.2009) in Arnhem/Netherlands.
The organizer and host was FIFe together with Mundikat. The event was excellently prepared and well organized.

The participants were impressed by the hospitality of the organizers and used the opportunity to exchange their

ACF Australian Cat Federation Lesley Morgan Blythe
CCCA Co-Ordinating Cat Council of Australia Cheryle U’ren
CFA Cat Fanciers’ Association Pam DelaBar
FIFe Fédération Internationale Féline Eric Reijers
GCCF Governing Council of the Cat Fancy John Hansson
NZCF New Zealand Cat Fancy Chris Lowe
SACC Southern African Cat Council Jan van Rooyen
TICA The International Cat Association Vickie Fisher
WCF World Cat Federation Ortrun Wagner
WCC Sekretärin und Schatzmeisterin Penny Bydlinski




Title: WCC Arnheim 09, delegates from left to right: Cheryle U’ren, Betty Shingleton (for John Hansson), Lesley Morgan Blythe, Chris Lowe, Penny Bydlinski (secretary, treasurer), Eric Reijers, Pam DelaBar, Ortrun Wagner, Vickie Fisher, Jan van Rooyen.
(Photo: Anneliese Hackmann)

The seminar was held on easter saturday in the auditorium of the Olympus College near the show hall, the exhibition
was on both easter holidays, followed by the meeting on Tuesday.


The election of the board was a re-election:
President – Pam Dela Bar, CFA
Vice-president – Cheryle U’ren, CCCA
Secretary and treasurer - Penny Bydlinski, FIFe


Besides the information about the development and news in the organizations the artificial insemination of cats, its possibilities and practical purpose and limits were discussed, further subjects of discussion were the judges' lists, the judges' education, standards, protection of catteries, recognition procedure of new breeds and colours, general faults, animal protection and national local problems.


It seems not to be possible to implement the essential rules, which are in fact desired by many single members in the clubs of the WCC-organizations, in the near future, because the organizations are very different, and - may be - they are also not intended by each organization. The way seems to be the goal. However, even their had been discussed controversial opinions, the atmosphere of the conference was open, relaxed and friendly. These are attributes, which could be adapted also by several clubs. At least, our common hobby is affected, the cats!


To discuss more proposals from the single members of the WCC-organizations, demands, expectations and proposals shall be collected and discussed in the next conference.


The World Cat Congress 2010 will take place begin of May in Melbourne/Australia.


Reported by: Ortrun Wagner