WCF Italia


GA 2010


GA 2008


WCC 2012


Pictures 2010


Pictures 2010


Pictures 2008


Pictures 2008





Minutes of the General Meeting
14-15 August 2010, Essen, Germany

Election results and decisions


New election of the committees

Judges commission

Mr. Antonello Bardella
Mr. Tino Eckhardt
Mr. Alan Edwards
Mrs. Cornelia Hungerecker
Mr. Dr. Johan Lamprecht
Chair person: Mrs. C. Hungerecker
From the Board: Frau Anneliese Hackmann
Spare member: Mrs. Stefanie Siron


Show commission

Mrs. Nicoletta Locati The remaining candidates
were not approved by the majority Chair person:
Mrs. Nicoletta Locati From the Board:
Mr. Paulo Ruschi


Disciplinary commission

Mr. Klaas van der Wijk The remaining candidates
were not approved by the majority Chair person:
Mr. Klaas van der Wijk



Mrs. M. Schunkert Mrs. Frickel


Admission as a full WCF member

Belgium – Belgische Raskatten Vereniging
Germany – Freesenkatten e. V.
Germany – Stammbaum e. V.
Israel – Cat Land Israel




Italy – Association Confederate European Feline (I)
Italy - Associazione Gatti d'Italia
Kazakhstan – Belaja Lisa
Monte Carlo – Federation Feline de Monte-Carlo

Russia – WOFECE Astra
Sweden – Föreningen Hallandskatten
Sweden – Sveriges Nya Raskattförening
Switzerland - Association Confederate European Feline (CH) Ukraine – FPC Suzirja



Breed standards

Standard for household pets
Amend the standard: Household pets can also be Semi-Longhair

Recognition of the color
Turkish Van White with blue, orange, odd eyed eye color
Breed standard see on www.wcf-online.de

Recognition of the breed
Traditional Longhair Silver and Golden
Breed standard see on www.wcf-online.de

Recognition of familiar breeds:
American Curl, SH, SLH
Egyptian Mau
Selkirk Rex, SH, SLH
Highland Fold
Kurilian Bobtail
Karelian Bobtai

Show rules

Judges reports

Judges reports need not be issued in 3 copies. One page is sufficient, but it is not allowed to mention the breeder or anything about the identity of the cat.


Best Cat of the WCF

The WCF will hold the competition Best Cat of WCF every year. Description, awards and rules are published on the website.


Master ring

Change in the article E.4.5
New text:
” Only judges, licensed for the categories participating in a Master-ring, are entitled …“ Change in the article E.4.8

New text:
“The Master-ring can be separated for adults, neuters and kittens. The same rules as for the WCF-rings apply…”

Change in the article E.4.6

New text:
“The 1st and the 2nd place of a non-split Master-ring will receive the title “Master”.
If the Master-ring is split into part-rings the winner of each part-ring will receive the title “Master”.

The show organizer is free to make a BOB also for neuters and kittens. The rules are according to the
current rules for BOB.


There can be organized Special Breed Shows, either for single breeds or for breed groups. Nomination for
a separate BIS is made according to the current rules for nomination. The winner if this BIS can participate
in the BOB, according to the current rules.



Amendment to part F of the show rules, new article: At complaints dealing with violations, which concern
the show rules, also the show commission must be heard.



Deletion in article D.5.3 of: “males first” and “starting with the adults”.


Joint Shows

Change of article B.1.3
WCF exhibitions combined with another non-WCF organization or non-WCF organizations holding a cat show
on the same day, at the same venue, with separate or combined catalogues and separate or combined posters,
with or without sharing the judges, and with or without one BIS (Best-in-Show) organized together, are joint-
exhibitions. To organize a joint-exhibition the WCF-member has to forward an application to the board at least
6 months prior to the date of the exhibition. Such an exhibition may only be organized with the permission of
the board. WCF exhibitions at the same venue on the same day or weekend as another non-WCF organi-
zation’s cat show, but not sharing catalogues, posters and entry forms and NOT TAKING PLACE AT THE
SAME TIME as the other exhibition/s are not considered as joint-shows.


Regions in Russian Federation

Feline regions should not coincide with the administrative divisions, depends on political reasons.
Proposal for the regions division is given to the Board and to Mrs. Eveline Preiss.


Judges rules

All Breed training
Additional Rules for student judges
1. Student Judge Certificates
If a judge takes his/her All-Breed training only in a country that is divided into regions; he additionally
has to get a judge´s pupil report in another continent.


Other decisions

Club board member
The members of the managing board of directors of a non WCF- organization are not accepted as members
of the managing board of directors of a WCF member.


Pedigree transcription

The WCF member clubs cannot make any pedigree transcription without having the original pedigree on hand.


Documents of delinquents

Documents to members which have a penalty of the government .The WCF Clubs cannot do any transcriptions
or give any documentations to club members which have a penalty of the government for illegal animal trade,
animal cruelty and so on, at least until the government legalized the documentation of this person.


Retention of original pedigree number

Retention of original pedigree number for all cats registered with the association. The original pedigree number
given by the club that issued the pedigree will be used for every cat for all his life. The transfer of and giving
a new pedigree number by one’s own club to a cat coming from another club is forbidden.


Presence of club presidents at the GA.

Every four years the president of the full-member must wegnehmen statt dessen should represent his club in the GA personally. This rule will enable the delegates to get to know each other and help to create a friendly atmosphere.


Cattery names

The office should verify the uniqueness of cattery names only within WCF. All WCF cattery names should be
available on the website. A cattery name not published on the website should be automatically available to a
breeder member of a WCF club. Breeders with an established cattery name in another organization who wish
to join the WCF should be allowed to retain their cattery names, by adding the country code behind the name,
should the name already be used elsewhere. The office has to respond to any cattery name applications
within 10 working days of the request from a member club.



All decisions come into force on 01.01.2011