WCF Italia


GA 2010


GA 2008


WCC 2012


Pictures 2010


Pictures 2010


Pictures 2008


Pictures 2008





General Assembly 2008

August 02 to 03, 2008 in Essen, Germany

  • Elections of gremiums
  • Acceptance of members
  • Standard and new breeds
  • Decisions to:

  • Statutes
  • Patronage members, sub-clubs
  • Show Rules
  • Judges' Rules
  • Standard-Information-Service
  • Code of Ethics for breeders, owners
  • Novices

Elections of gremiums


President: Mrs. Anneliese Hackmann
Secretary general: Mrs. Ortrun Wagner
Treasurer: There is no other candidature in proposals.
Mrs. M. Meister will fulfill the duties of the treasurer
untill a new treasurer is co-opted


Extended Board

1st vice-president: Mr. Paulo Ruschi
2nd vice-president: Mrs. Anna Rudakova


Judges' Commission

Mrs. Ludmila Esina
Mrs. Cornelia Hungerecker
Mr. Antonello Bardella
Mrs. Orjet Drössler
Mrs. Bambi J. Edwards
From the Board: Mrs. Marion Meister
Chair: Mrs. C. Hungerecker



Show Commission

Mr. Johan Lamprecht
From the Board: Mrs. Anneliese Hackmann
Chair: Mrs. E. Preiss


Disciplinary Commission

Mr. Imran Okulov
Mrs. Molly Oliver-Sasson
Mrs. Silvia Roriz
Chair: Mrs. M. Oliver-Sasson



Mrs. Marita Schunkert
Mrs. Annette Frickel


Mrs. Vittoria Duchi
Mr. Cesare Ghisi


Aufnahme als WCF Vollmitglied









South Africa



Voices Cats of France


Cat’s Meow








Breed standards

  • Recognition of the Arabian Mau as provisional breed
  • Recognition of the colours cinnamon and fawn in Birmans
  • Recognition of the British Longhair
  • Recognition of the Ragamuffin
  • Recognition of the colours cinnamon and fawn in British SH



  • Invitation to the GA can also be done by email, the proposals may also be sent electronically or may be
        provided for Download.
  • No member of the Board in the Disciplinary Commission.


Patronage members, clubs, sub-clubs

  • If a club is inactive for 2 years (no cattery registrations, no exhibitions), that may cause an abeyance of
  • Clubs under patronage may not have subclubs, this is valid for new patronage members.
  • Readmission of expelled subclubs may not be earlier than 2 years after expulsion.
  • Subclubs have no right to register cattery names. All the subclub’s catteries should be registered on its main
        club’s name.
  • Main club and its subclubs should have identical pedigrees. A uniform layout should be identical. There
        should be a common database.


Show Rules

  • Not licensed shows will be punished with a fine. In case of repetition an expulsion is impended.
        Titles/certificates do not have any validity.
  • At international shows at least 2 judges must judge.
  • At least 1 judge must be from another country / region than the country / region, in which the exhibition is
  • Class 22a - provisionally recognized breeds: all the provisionally breeds with recognized, provisionally
        recognized or with not-recognised colours
  • Classe 22b – provisionally recognized colours in recognized breeds


Judges' Rules

  • A Judge must have worked actively for at least 1 year, before he may accept a judge’s pupil.
  • Compensation of the judge's work with 75 € per day, with the option of a special agreement with the judge.
  • The education for the Persian (LH) Group requires for the better understanding of the Exotic Shorthair at
        least 1 judge’s pupil certificate, in which the breed „Exotic Shorthair“ is listed.
  • In the rules, paragraph 10 „Practical examination“ has to be written that there must be at least 1 to 5 Exotic
        Shorthair present for the Longhair examination to ensure that the examinee has some knowledge of this breed.
  • For the examination there should be: 20 LH, 20 SIA/OSH, 35 SLH, 35 SH. At least 80 cats should be present
        at the show.
  • Only judges licensed by the WCF may take the examination of the WCF.


Implementation of a Standard Information Service

That should inform itself of all other organizations; improvements periodically, at least monthly, and should circulate
this information among all WCF clubs and judges


Implementation of a Code of Ethics for breeders and owners

General conditions for husbandry and breeding cats.



Novice class is closed for the following breeds: Persian, British SH and LH, Abyssinian, Somali, Exotic SH, Norwegian Forest, Maine Coon, Turkish Angora, Sacred Birman, Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, Siamese/OSH, Bombay.


Please note: All decisions are effective with January 1, 2009.