Name, Duration,
Location, Purpose


Admission Resignation Expulsion




General Assembly


The Board






Disciplinary Commission


Funds of the WCF


Annual Account and Budget


Changes of Statutes


Liquidation of the Federation



Statutes of the WCF World Cat Federation

13. Various
Article 38

The General Assembly may decide executive rules, which may not be in any case in contradiction to the currently valid statutes.


Every proposal for changes of the statutes, as already outlined in article 27, has to be submitted to the secretary general only by clubs and federations until December 31st of the year preceding the General Assembly, and in GERMAN, ENGLISH, if necessary in FRENCH or SPANISH.

Article 39

All decisions of the WCF are binding for its members and their single members.

Article 40

The statutes and the regulations of the members of the WCF must include a regulation which declares the decisions of the WCF binding for their members.

Article 41

Resigned or expelled members of the WCF do not have any demand on the funds of the federation.

Article 42

The official language is German. Further languages used for working are English, French, and if necessary Spanish.


Article 43 A set of the statutes in German, English and French is kept at the seat of the WCF.