Name, Duration,
Location, Purpose


Admission Resignation Expulsion




General Assembly


The Board






Disciplinary Commission


Funds of the WCF


Annual Account and Budget


Changes of Statutes


Liquidation of the Federation



Statutes of the WCF World Cat Federation

6. Commission
Article 25

The commissions consist of 3 to 6 persons who will be selected and elected by the General Assembly according to their abilities for a term of two years.


These persons must be member of a club/federation of the WCF.


The members of the various commissions elect a chair-person per commission.


The commissions must meet before each General Assembly and have to submit a written report about the result of their work to it.

Article 26

1. The Judges and Pedigree Registration Commission is instructed:


  • to check the acknowledgement of new breeds and to define their standard,
  • to change the standard of recognized breeds,
  • to try to harmonize the LO-instructions in accordance with the actual standards,
  • to make proposals for the licensing of judges to the board.


The Judges Commission consists of six members, where at least one must be a member of the board or the extended board.


2. The Show Commission is instructed:


  • to elaborate and propose the organization or necessary changes of rules for a smooth running exhibition,
  • to supervise the application of the rules during the exhibitions.


The Show Commission consists of five members, who organize shows; they should be of different countries, if possible, and one of the members must be a member of the board or of the extended board.


3. The Disciplinary Commission consists of three members.


No member of the board or extended board may be at the same time a member of the Disciplinary Commission.


  • They prepare a statement for every presented case to the Board.
Article 27

These commissions (judges and standard, expositions, disciplinary) are free in building their opinion.
They submit their statement to the board, who works on it, makes decisions or forwards it to the next General Assembly.


Proposals forwarded to the commission for a statement have to be sent via the members in writing in German and English, if necessary in French and Spanish, to the secretary general, who will inform the commissions responsible for them. Directly addressed proposals forwarded by single members are inadmissible.


Proposals can only be forwarded by clubs, who are full members of the WCF; except new applications for membership. Single persons may not submit proposals.